Norway - To the North

Trondheim was the next big city on our way. There, we managed to change our tyres for the winter ones - a necessary condition if we wanted to continue our trip north. Of course, we also visited the city - the center is quite fine (nothing special; northern cities aren’t known for their architecture), but the most important sight is the Nidaros cathedral. Trondheim, called Nidaros in the Middle Ages, was the capital of Norway in 11th and 12th century. The cathedral was built over the burial site of St. Olav, the patron of Norway who spread Christianity in the country, and it was finished at the end of 13th century (after 200 years of works).

Nidaros cathedral - the northernmost medieval cathedral in the world

In Trondheim we jumped on the E6 road - the main North-South axis in Norway that joins Oslo with Kirkenes in the North, close to the border with Russia (distance of more than 2400km). Although we won’t go this far, we took the direction North. The first milestone was the gate to the Northern Norway - the symbolic border between Northern and Southern Norway.

the gateway to Northern Norway

border between the counties of Nordland and Trondelag, where Trondheim is located

As we continued along the E6, the landscape has slowly turned into taiga, with large coniferous forests and lot of moss.

Shortly after passing the town of Mo i Rana, we crossed the Arctic Circle. The crossing point is well marked with a little statue and the Polarsirkelsenteret - Polar Circle Center - next to the road. The center was closed as it’s not the season (although it’s basically just a souvenir shop and a restaurant so it was not a big loss)


we are in the Arctic!

the Polarsirkelsenteret is located on a plateau between mountains

On the way to Bodø, we stopped to see Saltstraumen, one of the strongest tidal currents in the world. Passing through a small straight, the current forms large whirpools at high tides.

Saltstraumen seen from the land

maelstroms seen from the bridge

Antoine demonstrates sleeping in our van